Simulink Control Design™ - MathWorks

(Tuis.) #1
Using analysis points, you can extract open-loop and closed-loop responses from a control
system model. For example, suppose T represents the closed-loop system in the model
above, and u and y are marked as analysis points. T can be either a generalized state-
space model or an slLinearizer or slTuner interface to a Simulink model. You can
plot the closed-loop response to a step disturbance at the plant input with the following

Tuy = getIOTransfer(T,'u','y');

Analysis points are also useful to specify design requirements when tuning control
systems with the systune command. For example, you can create a requirement that
attenuates disturbances at the plant input by a factor of 10 (20 dB) or more.

Req = TuningGoal.Rejection('u',10);

Specify Analysis Points for MATLAB Models

Consider an LTI model of the following block diagram.

2 Linearization

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