Simulink Control Design™ - MathWorks

(Tuis.) #1
Plot Step Response for Specific Parameter Combination and Snapshot Time

Suppose you want to examine only the step response for the model obtained by
linearizing the watertank model at t = 3, for A = 10 and b = 4. To do so, you can use
the SamplingGrid property of linsys, which is specified as a structure. When you
perform batch linearization, the software populates SamplingGrid with information
regarding the variable values used to obtain the model. The variable values include each
parameter that you vary and the simulation snapshot times at which you linearize the
model. For example:

ans =

A: 10
b: 4
Time: 0

Here linsys(:,:,1) refers to the first model in linsys. This model was obtained at
simulation time t = 0, for A = 10 and b = 4.

3 Batch Linearization

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