The selected variables appear in the Parameter Variations table. Each column in the
table corresponds to one of the selected variables. Each row in the table represents one
(Ki2,Kp2) pair at which to linearize. These parameter-value combinations are called
parameter samples. When you linearize, Linear Analysis Tool computes as many linear
models as there are parameter samples, or rows in the table.
Specify the parameter samples at which to linearize the model. For this example, specify
four (Ki2,Kp2) pairs, (Ki2,Kp2) = (3.5,1), (3.5,2), (5,1), and (5,2). Enter these values
in the table manually. To do so, select a row in the table. Then, select Insert Row >
Insert Row Below twice.
Edit the values in the table as shown to specify the four (Ki2,Kp2) pairs.
Batch Linearize Model for Parameter Value Variations Using Linear Analysis Tool