Simulink Control Design™ - MathWorks

(Tuis.) #1
D =
y1 0

Name: Trigonometric Function
Static gain.

The block linearized to zero. To see if this result is expected for the current operating
condition of the block, check its operating point.


ans =

Block Operating Point for scdpendulum/pendulum/Trigonometric Function

Port u
1 1.5708

The input operating point of the block is.

You can find the linearization of the block analytically by taking the first derivative of the
sin function with respect to the input.

Therefore, when evaluated at the linearization of the block is zero. The source of
the input is the first output of the second-order integrator, which is dependent upon the
state theta. Therefore, this block linearizes to zero if , where is an
integer. The same condition applies for the other Trigonometric Function block in the
angle_wrap subsystem. If these blocks are not expected to linearize to zero, you can
modify the operating point state theta, and relinearize the model.

4 Troubleshooting Linearization Results

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