Simulink Control Design™ - MathWorks

(Tuis.) #1

io(1) = linio('scdplane/Sum1',1);
io(2) = linio('scdplane/Gain5',1,'output');

For more information about linear analysis points, see “Specify Portion of Model to
Linearize” on page 2-13 and linio.

Linearize the model and create a sinestream signal based on the dynamics of the
resulting linear system. For more information, see “Estimation Input Signals” on page 5-
31 and frest.Sinestream.

sys = linearize('scdplane',io);
input = frest.Sinestream(sys);

If your model has not reached steady state, initialize the model using a steady-state
operating point before estimating the frequency response. You can check whether your
model is at steady state by simulating the model. For more information on finding steady-
state operating points, see “Compute Steady-State Operating Points” on page 1-6.

Find all source blocks in the signal paths of the linearization outputs that generate time-
varying signals. Such time-varying signals can interfere with the signal at the
linearization output points and produce inaccurate estimation results.

srcblks = frest.findSources('scdplane',io);

To disable the time-varying source blocks, create an frestimateOptions option set and
specify the BlocksToHoldConstant option.

opts = frestimateOptions;
opts.BlocksToHoldConstant = srcblks;

Estimate the frequency response.

[sysest,simout] = frestimate('scdplane',io,input,opts);

sysest is the estimated frequency response. simout is a Simulink.Timeseries object
representing the simulated output.

To speed up your estimation or decrease its memory requirements, see “Managing
Estimation Speed and Memory” on page 5-81.

Open the Simulation Results Viewer to analyze the estimated frequency response.


Estimate Frequency Response at the Command Line
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