Annotate Frequency Response Estimation Plots
You can display a data tip on the Time Response, FFT, and Bode plots in the Simulation
Results Viewer by clicking the corresponding curve. Dragging the data tip updates the
Data tips are useful for correcting poor estimation results at a specific sinestream
frequency, which requires you to modify the input at a specific frequency. You can use the
data tip to identify the frequency index where the response does not match your system.
In the previous figure, the Time Response data tip shows that the frequency index is 11.
You can use this frequency index to modify the corresponding portion of the input signal.
For example, to modify the NumPeriods and SettlingPeriods properties of the
sinestream signal, using MATLAB code:
input.NumPeriods(11) = 80;
input.SettlingPeriods(11) = 75;
To modify the sinestream in the Linear Analysis Tool, see “Modify Sinestream Signal
Using Linear Analysis Tool” on page 5-46
Analyze Estimated Frequency Response