(^1) Find the paths to files that your Simulink model requires to run, called path
dirs = frest.findDepend(model)
dirs is a cell array of character vectors containing path dependencies, such as
referenced models, data files, and S-functions.
For more information about this command, see the frest.findDepend reference
To learn more about model dependencies, see “What Are Model Dependencies?”
(Simulink) and “Scope of Dependency Analysis” (Simulink).
2 (Optional) Check that dirs includes all path dependencies. Append any missing
paths to dirs:
dirs = vertcat(dirs,'\hostname\C$\matlab\work')
(^3) (Optional) Check that all workers have access to the paths in dirs.
If any of the paths resides on your local drive, specify that all workers can access
your local drive. For example, this command converts all references to the C drive to
an equivalent network address that is accessible to all workers:
dirs = regexprep(dirs,'C:/','\\hostname\C$\')
(^4) Enable parallel computing and specify model path dependencies by creating an
options object using the frestimateOptions command:
options = frestimateOptions('UseParallel','on','ParallelPathDependencies',dirs)
TipTo enable parallel computing for all estimations, select the global preference
Use the parallel pool when you use the "frestimate" command check box in the
MATLAB preferences. If your model has path dependencies, you must create your
own frequency response options object that specifies the path dependencies before
beginning estimation.
(^5) Estimate the frequency response:
[sysest,simout] = frestimate('model',io,input,options)
For an example of using parallel computing to speed up estimation, see “Speed Up
Frequency Response Estimation Using Parallel Computing” on page 5-108.
Managing Estimation Speed and Memory