NumPeriods : 4
RampPeriods : 0
FreqUnits (rad/s,Hz): rad/s
SettlingPeriods : 1
ApplyFilteringInFRESTIMATE (on/off) : on
SimulationOrder (Sequential/OneAtATime): Sequential
Note that by default, each frequency in sinestream input signal is simulated for 4 periods,
i.e. "NumPeriods" is 4 for all frequencies, and the end of first period is specified to be
where the system reaches to steady state, i.e. "SettlingPeriods" is 1 for all frequencies,
thus FRESTIMATE uses the last 3 periods of the output signals.
Using this sinestream input signal, perform the frequency response estimation using
FRESTIMATE command and plot the resulting frequency response data:
[sys,simout] = frestimate(mdl,io,in);
Frequency Response Estimation Using Simulation-Based Techniques