The Ministry Of The Holy Spirit - A totally free bible

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

  1. Look at the special gifts in list one. Read the definitions in list two. Write the number of
    the definition which describes the spiritual gift on the blank provided. The first one is
    done as an example for you.

List One List Two

2Prophet 1. Sent with authority to act for another to develop new
churches and oversee them.

_____Apostle 2. Speaks under special inspiration to communicate an
immediate message of God to His people; also a leadership

_____Pastor 3. Shares the Gospel with nonbelievers in a way that they
respond and become responsible members of the Body of
Christ; "one who brings the good news.”

_____Evangelist 4. Assumes long-term leadership for the spiritual welfare of
believers; the word means shepherd.

_____Teacher 5. Communicates God's Word in such a way that others will
learn and apply what is taught; also a leadership position.

  1. What are the four major divisions of spiritual gifts being used for study purposes in this
    and the following chapters:

(Answers to tests are provided at the conclusion of the final chapter in this manual.)

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