The Ministry Of The Holy Spirit - A totally free bible

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Suggestions for further study were given as each special gift was discussed in this chapter. This
was done to permit you to complete your study of each gift before going on to study the next
one. Believers with special gifts are leaders God sets in the church. But these are not the only
church leadership positions mentioned in the Bible.

The offices of deacons and elders are mentioned in the New Testament. The position of bishop
is also mentioned. Some churches consider a bishop the same as a pastor. Others consider it a
separate office. These positions of leadership are not the same as the special gifts of leadership
we have just studied. They are special offices established by the early church through the leading
of the Lord.

The record of the early church was preserved by God as an example for us to follow in church
structure. These offices should also function in the church today. The purpose of these offices is
to assist those who have the special gifts of leadership discussed in this chapter, i.e., the apostles,
prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers. Use the following outline to study these positions of


Title References Duties

Bishop I Timothy 3:1- 7 Many consider a bishop to be the same as a pastor.
Philippians 1:1 these verses do indicate he is to have long term care
Titus 1:5- 9 over a group of believers.
I Peter 5:2- 3

Deacon I Timothy 3:8- 13 These verses indicate deacons have a ministry of
Philippians 1:1 serving and helps.
Acts 6:1- 7

Deaconesses I Timothy 3:11 Deaconesses are not mentioned specifically in the
Romans 16:1- 2 Bible. Some churches have adopted this term for the
wives of deacons or other women who minister in
serving and helps.

Elders Acts 20:17,28- 32 These verses indicate elders provide leadership in
Acts 14:23;1 5 the church and decisions, minister to the needs of
Acts 16:4; 11:30 believers and assist in the development and care of
I Timothy 5:17 local bodies of believers.
I Peter 5:1- 4
Titus 1:5; James 5:14

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