The Ministry Of The Holy Spirit - A totally free bible

(やまだぃちぅ) #1


  1. Write the Key Verse from memory

  1. What are the five speaking gifts?

  1. Read the list of speaking gifts in list one. Read the definitions in list two. Write the
    number of the definition which describes the gift on the blank provided.

List One List Two

_____Exhortation 1. Speaks by special inspiration of God an immediate
message to His people.

_____Prophecy 2. Words of counsel, comfort.

_____Word of Wisdom 3. Ability to train others in God's Word.

_____Teaching 4. Insight as to how knowledge may be applied to
specific needs.

_____Word of Knowledge 5. Ability to understand things others cannot and to
share under the inspiration of the Spirit.

  1. Circle the correct answer to complete this sentence: Believers give a word of wisdom or
    knowledge by...

a. Repeating what they have read.
b. Trying to think of something God might want them to say.
c. The Holy Spirit giving them a word to speak.

  1. Is this statement True or False? The gifts of the word of wisdom and the word of
    knowledge are the same. The statement is_____

(Answers to tests are provided at the conclusion of the final chapter in this manual.)

"For Further Study" for this lesson were given as each speaking gift was discussed in this chapter. This was done to
permit you to complete your study of each gift before going on to the next one.

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