The Ministry Of The Holy Spirit - A totally free bible

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

  1. Read the list of serving gifts in list one. Read the definitions in list two. Write the
    number of the definition which describes the gift on the blank in front of it.

List One List Two

_____Serving 1. Ability to evaluate people, doctrines, and situations
as to whether they are of God.

_____Helps 2. Ability to motivate others to accomplish specific

_____Leadership 3. Directs on behalf of others.

_____Administration 4. Special ability to believe.

_____Giving 5. Special ability to give.

_____Showing mercy 6. Assists others in their ministry.

_____Discerning of spirits 7. Special compassion.

_____Faith 8. Provides food and lodging.

_____Hospitality 9. Relieves others of responsibility to perform practical

  1. Is this statement true or false: Only those with the gift of giving are required to give
    money to the work the Lord. The statement is:__.

  2. Define faith.

  1. What is the difference between the gift of faith and the fruit of faith?

  1. How can we increase our faith?

(Answers to tests are provided at the conclusion of the final chapter in this manual.)

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