The Ministry Of The Holy Spirit - A totally free bible

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Suggestions for further study for each of the nine serving gifts were given as each gift was
discussed. This was done to permit you to complete your study of each serving gift before going
on to study the next one.

The Bible lists additional gifts which are given to believers which were not covered in this
lesson. These gifts are not specifically called gifts of the Holy Spirit. For this reason they are not
included in the study of spiritual gifts.


The gift of celibacy is the ability God gives to certain believers to remain single for the purpose
of Christian service. In I Corinthians 7:7-8 the Apostle Paul refers to his gift of celibacy.
Celibacy should not be required however (see I Timothy 4:1-5). It is a gift of God, not a
requirement to be imposed by the church or a denomination. The church is edified by those who
have the gift of celibacy (see I Corinthians 7:32-35).


The gift of intercession is a special ability God gives to pray with great intensity for extended
periods of time on a regular basis. To intercede means to plead on behalf of another.
Intercessors pray for the needs of people, leaders, ministries, and nations.

Although intercession is not specifically identified as a spiritual gift, there is evidence that the
Holy Spirit has provided for it to function as a gift (see Romans 8:26-27). Study the following
passages to identify some of the purposes for intercessory prayer:

  • James 5:14- 16 - Numbers 14:17- 19

  • I Timothy 2:1- 2 - Acts 7:60

  • Ephesians 6:19


There is another gift which we will call "craftsmanship.” It is the ability to craft things of beauty
and/or function for the work of the Lord. Examples are seen in those given special skills by God
to prepare items for the house of the Lord and garments for the priests (Exodus 28:3; Exodus

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