The Ministry Of The Holy Spirit - A totally free bible

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

  1. Read the statements below. If the statement is TRUE, write a T on the blank in front of
    it. If the statement is FALSE, write an F on the blank in front of it.

a._____Speaking in tongues upon baptism in the Holy Spirit is the same thing as
the gift of tongues.

b._____A person with the gift of tongues should keep quiet in the church if there
is no interpreter present.

c._____A person with the gift of tongues should not interpret his own message.

d._____A person with the gift of tongues can not really control this gift.

e._____It is more important to speak in a language understood by listeners in the
church than to speak with the gift of tongues with no interpretation.

f._____Several people can interpret the same message at the same time.

g._____If a person has the gifts of healing, everyone to whom he ministers will be

h._____Only a person with the gifts of healing should pray for the sick.

((Answers to tests are provided at the conclusion of the final chapter in this manual.)

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