STEP THREE - Know The Spiritual Gifts:
If you do not know what spiritual gifts exist, you will not be able to recognize the one(s) God
has given you. The lessons you studied in this course have equipped you to identify the various
gifts available to believers.
STEP FOUR - Observe Models Of The Gifts:
As you are considering what gifts you might have, it is helpful to observe mature models of the
various gifts. A "mature model" of a spiritual gift is a believer who has been effectively using a
gift for an extended period of time.
For example, talk with someone who has the gift of teaching. Question them as to how they
knew they had the gift, how they began to use it, and ways they are continuing to develop their
gift. Do the same for the other gifts. Learning how others discovered their gifts and observing
mature models of the gifts in action will help you identify your own gift.
STEP FIVE - Seek A Spiritual Gift:
Desire a gift and fast and pray for it. The Bible tells us to seek spiritual gifts:
But covet [desire, seek] earnestly the best gifts... (I Corinthians 12:31)
We each have at least one gift, but this verse implies we can also seek a gift which we do not
now possess.
STEP SIX - Laying On Of Hands:
Have your spiritual leader lay hands on you and pray for God to reveal your spiritual gift:
Neglect not the gift that is in thee, which was given thee by prophecy, with
the laying on of the hands of the presbytery. (I Timothy 4:14)
Note: As a result of Steps One through Six God may reveal your spiritual gift. If this does not
happen, proceed with the following steps.
STEP SEVEN - Analyze Your Spiritual Interests:
The areas in which you find great joy in serving God are often those for which He has gifted you.
Just as a gift you receive in the natural world brings joy, so do spiritual gifts. You must have a
"passion" or "burden" [great interest or desire] for a certain ministry in order to serve God