The Ministry Of The Holy Spirit - A totally free bible

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For example, a person with the gift of administration can use it to organize and direct anything.
He could administer a church, a Christian school, a drug rehabilitation center, etc. But he must
have a burden or passion for the ministry where he uses his gift. If he has no interest in a
Christian school, he will not last long even though he has the gift of administration.

Answer the following questions to help determine your spiritual interest or burden:

  1. What kind or group of people do you feel most attracted to?

(If you are called to a particular group of people, your spiritual gift will relate to their need. For
example, if you feel a call to children and want to see them learn about God, you may have the
gift of teaching).

  1. What areas of need cause a strong emotional stirring in you?

(When God calls you to meet a specific need, you will often feel a strong emotional stirring

  1. If you could not fail, what would you desire to do for the Lord?

(God honors personal desires).

  1. Complete this sentence: "I have a growing restless conviction from within that I should
    get involved in..."

(Such convictions are often God speaking to your spirit about an area in which He wants you to

  1. I am certain God has definitely called me to a specific area of ministry. It is...

(If you know the specific area of ministry to which God has called you, it will be easy to
determine your spiritual gift. God always provides the necessary gifts to enable you to fulfill the
call. The "For Further Study" section of this lesson will assist you in recognizing your spiritual

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