- God always provides the gifts necessary to enable you to fulfill your spiritual calling.
How can you know if you are called? Study the following pattern demonstrated in the
call of Moses:
God Provides The Direction:
Read Exodus 3:1-4. The first principle of recognizing a call from God is to understand
that God takes the initiative. He has the responsibility to communicate to you what He
wants you to do.
You do not have to run around in frustration trying to find out what God wants you to do.
You do not have to take an opinion poll among your friends to see what they think you
should do. It is God's responsibility to clearly communicate His call to you. Your
responsibility is to fulfill that call once it has been given. A true call from God is not
something you decide to do on your own or that others think you should do.
You Will Have A Burden:
For years, Moses had a deep burden in his heart for his people, Israel. He felt so strongly
about this that he had even murdered an Egyptian and that is why he was in the
wilderness (Exodus 2:11-15). When you are called by God to a specific ministry, you
will feel a deep burden, interest, concern, and compassion in that area.
You Will Receive A God-Given Plan:
Burden, interest, concern, and compassion alone are not enough to fulfill the call of God.
In addition to providing direction and burden, God will communicate a plan to enable
you to fulfill your calling.
Here is where many people fail. They receive a call and a burden from God, but they
rush off to try to fulfill this call without waiting for God to communicate His plan.
God gave Moses a plan. He and Aaron were to appear before Pharaoh and gain the
release of the Israelites. They were then to lead them through the wilderness to the land
which God had promised them. When God gives you a call and a burden, wait until you
receive His plan for fulfilling your ministry.
You Will Have A Sense Of Inadequacy:
In Exodus 3:8, you can readily see the inadequacy Moses felt. He said "Who am I, that I
should go unto Pharaoh, and that I should bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt?"