The Ministry Of The Holy Spirit - A totally free bible

(やまだぃちぅ) #1


( ) ( ) 103. Do you have a great desire to share with other believers the meaning
of a difficult Bible passage?
( ) ( ) 104. Do you sense a great deal of joy in a leadership position, rather than
frustration and difficulty?
( ) ( ) 105. Have you had experience in making decisions in behalf of a group or
organization that would affect everyone?
( ) ( ) 106. Do you enjoy doing things that need to be done without being asked
to do them?
( ) ( ) 107. Do you look for opportunities to help other people?
( ) ( ) 108. Do you see the giving of money as a great spiritual ministry which
you believe God has given you?
( ) ( ) 109. Do you find that visiting those who are suffering physically brings
you joy rather than depressing you.
( ) ( ) 110. Have other believers often referred to your ability to have people in
your home and to the way God has used you in this?
( ) ( ) 111. Have you seen God do mighty things in your life that others said
could not be done but which you believed He would do?
( ) ( ) 112. Do you feel you are helping other believers when you discern
something is wrong, and have they readily accepted your evaluation?
( ) ( ) 113. When an opportunity is given you to speak to other believers, do you
find you would rather share Bible verses than your personal
( ) ( ) 114. Have other believers told you that you should have a regular
teaching ministry and have you felt the same?
( ) ( ) 115. Do you enjoy a person-to-person ministry more than ministering to a
( ) ( ) 116. Have you sensed a special ability to know what to do when dealing
with difficult problems and situations?
( ) ( ) 117. When you see other believers confused and lacking understanding
about some difficult teaching of the Bible, have you sensed a
responsibility to speak to them about what it means?
( ) ( ) 118. Do you seem to know how to meet people's needs, goals, and desires
without too much study and planning?
( ) ( ) 119. Do you enjoy being the one with the overall responsibility for the
direction and success of a group or organization?
( ) ( ) 120. Do you find that it is not necessary for you to have a "job
description" when you are asked to do a particular task?
( ) ( ) 121. Have people often expressed that you have helped them by doing a
particular job, relieving them of that responsibility so they could do
something else?

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