The Ministry Of The Holy Spirit - A totally free bible

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  1. Read Matthew 5:1-12. How many inner fruit of Christ-likeness can you find in this
    passage? For example, the fruit of joy is mentioned in verse 12.

  2. Read I Corinthians chapter 13 which concerns the spiritual fruit of love. How many other
    spiritual fruit can you see expressed in love? For example, "believes all things" in verse
    7 is the fruit of faith.

  3. The fruit of the Holy Spirit are manifestations of God's character. God is a God of:

Love: I John 4:16; Titus 3:4
Joy: Matthew 25:21
Peace: Philippians 4:7
Longsuffering: II Peter 3:9,15
Gentleness: Matthew 11:28- 30
Goodness: II Peter 1:3
Faithfulness: II Timothy 2:13
Meekness: Zephaniah 2:3
Temperance: Hebrews 12:11 (God's chastening demonstrates moderation).

  1. Jesus Christ had all the fruit of the Holy Spirit evident in His life:

Outer Fruit: Evangelism: John 10:16; Mark 1:38

Inner Fruit:
Love: Mark 10:21; John 11:5,36
Joy: John 15:11
Peace: John 14:27
Longsuffering: I Peter 3:15
Gentleness: II Corinthians 10:1
Goodness: Romans 11:22
Faith: Matthew 17:14- 21
Meekness: II Corinthians 10:1
Temperance: Luke 4:1- 13

Read the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Add to this outline other references
where Jesus demonstrated fruit of the Holy Spirit.
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