Additional titles given Jesus Christ in the Bible:
- Son of David: Matthew 1:
- Author and Finisher of our faith: Hebrews 12:
- The Christ: Mark 1:
Because He is part of the Trinity of God, Jesus Christ has the same attributes as God. The Bible
- How To Use This Manual
- Suggestions For Group Study
- Introduction
- Course Objectives
- Introducing The Holy Spirit
- Representing The Holy Spirit
- The Ministry Of The Holy Spirit
- The Baptism Of The Holy Spirit
- Introduction To The Gifts Of The Holy Spirit
- Special Gifts Of The Holy Spirit
- Speaking Gifts Of The Holy Spirit
- Serving Gifts Of The Holy Spirit
- Sign Gifts Of The Holy Spirit
- Discovering Your Spiritual Gift
- Fruit Of the Holy Spirit
- The Works Of The Flesh
- Developing Spiritual Fruit
- Amplified Version Of The Bible Appendix: Passages On Spiritual Gifts From The
- Answers To Self-Tests
- The good shepherd: John 10:
- Light of the world: John 8:
- Bread of life: John 6:
- The way: John 14:
- The truth: John 14:
- The life: John 14:
- The King of kings and Lord of lords: Revelation 19:
- Son of man: Matthew 17:
- Son of David: Matthew 1:
- The last Adam: I Corinthians 15:
- Dayspring from on high: Luke 1:
- Son of God: Matthew 16:
- Only begotten Son: John 3:
- Chief corner stone: Ephesians 2:
- Great High Priest: Hebrews 4:
- The mediator: Hebrews 12:
- The lion of the tribe of Judah: Revelation 5:
- The Alpha and Omega [first and last]: Revelation 1:
- Righteous judge: II Timothy 4:
- King of the Jews: Mark 15:
- King of Israel: John 1:
- Author and Finisher of our faith: Hebrews 12:
- Blessed and only Potentate: I Timothy 6:
- Prince of life: Acts 3:
- Captain of Salvation: Hebrews 2:
- The Lord: Acts 2:
- The Savior: John 4:
- The Christ: Mark 1:
- The Logos or Word: John 1:1,
- The Lamb of God: John 1:
- Omnipotent: Matthew 28: verifies some of these specifically in the following verses. Jesus is:
- Omniscient: Matthew 16:30; John 21:
- Omnipresent: Matthew 18:20; 28:
- Eternal: John 1:1-2; 8:
- Unchangeable: Hebrews 13: