The Ministry Of The Holy Spirit - A totally free bible

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

List One List Two

_____Revellings 1. Sex by a married person with someone other than their

_____Envyings 2. Sexual intercourse by two people not married to each

_____Murders 3. Spiritually and morally sinful.

_____Drunkenness 4. Lust, sinful emotions, lewdness.

_____Lasciviousness 5. Worship of idols.

_____Adultery 6. Practice of witches.

_____Fornication 7. Opposite of love.

_____Uncleanness 8. Disagreement, dissension.

_____Witchcraft 9. Rivalry, desire to copy others to equal or excel them.

_____Idolatry 10. Violent anger, rage.

_____Hatred 11. Quarreling, fighting.

_____Variance 12. Stirring up discord.

_____Heresies 13. Beliefs contrary to God's Word.

_____Emulations 14. Jealousy excited by the success of others.

_____Strife 15. Taking the life of another.

_____Wrath 16. Excessive drinking.

_____Seditions 17. Worldly, boisterous merry-making or festivities.

(Answers to tests are provided at the conclusion of the final chapter in this manual.)

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