The Ministry Of The Holy Spirit - A totally free bible

(やまだぃちぅ) #1


  1. Read Song Of Solomon 4:12-16. In this passage we are given a glimpse of God's garden.
    He calls His people, the Church [believers] His garden. Your life is spiritual "ground"
    that will either yield spiritual fruit, spiritual "weeds", or be barren and empty. What is
    growing in the spiritual ground of your life? Are there weeds and thorns of:

  • The cares, anxieties, worries or interests of this world?

  • The deceitfulness of riches?

  • The desire for worldly things?

What takes up the most space in your life? What occupies most of your time and
attention? What is most important in your priorities? Is the "garden of your heart" stony
soil? Do you have a hard heart? Those areas in which you stubbornly refuse to comply
with Christ's commands are barren, rocky spiritual soil.

  1. This lesson completes your study of the "Ministry Of the Holy Spirit.” For further study
    we suggest you obtain the Harvestime International Institute course entitled "Spiritual
    Strategies: A Manual Of Spiritual Warfare.” It concerns the function of the Holy Spirit
    in spiritual warfare and explains the ministries of the other members of the Trinity, God
    the Father and Jesus Christ the Son.

  2. Complete the "Spiritual Fruit Analysis" which follows. Your honest answers will help
    you evaluate the present level of development of spiritual fruit in your life.


Read each of the statements and respond by selecting the number of the response which best
describes you at present. Respond to each questions by writing either 3, 2, 1, or 0.

3 means "this is definitely true in my life.”
2 means "this is usually true in my life.”
1 means "this is occasionally true.”
0 means "this is never true in my life."

Example: 21. I am secure in the certainty of God's control of the future.

(The person taking this analysis wrote the number "2" in the blank because this statement is
usually true in their life).

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