- Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee
by the putting on of my hands. (Timothy 1:6)
- Accomplish purposes and objectives
- Conduct spiritual warfare
- Avoid abuse
- Avoid frustration
- Assume responsibility
- Step One: Be born again.
Step Two: Receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Step Three: Know the spiritual gifts.
Step Four: Observe models of the gifts.
Step Five: Seek a spiritual gift.
Step Six: Laying on of hands.
Step Seven: Analyze your spiritual interests.
Step Eight: Analysis by a Christian leader.
Step Nine: Analyze past Christian service.
Step Ten: Complete the spiritual gifts questionnaires.
Step Eleven: Identify gifts you think you might have.
Step Twelve: Identify spiritual needs.
Step Thirteen: Fill a spiritual need.
Step Fourteen: Evaluate your ministry.
- Evangelism; being a powerful witness of the Gospel message.
- Inner fruit of Christ-like spiritual qualities.
- Galatians 5:22-23.
- Love - Joy
- Peace - Longsuffering
- Gentleness - Goodness
- Faith - Meekness
- Temperance
- John 15:16