The Ministry Of The Holy Spirit - A totally free bible

(やまだぃちぅ) #1


  1. Write the Key Verse from memory.

  1. List five purposes of the Holy Spirit in relation to the nation of Israel.

  1. Is this statement true or false? The Holy Spirit was involved in creation of the earth.

The statement is:__

  1. Write the number of the correct meaning in front of the word which it describes.

Purposes Of The Holy Spirit
In Relation In Scripture

_____Illumination 1. He spoke to human writers the message of God.

_____Revelation 2. The present ministry of the Holy Spirit which helps
people understand the Gospel.

_____Inspiration 3. The Spirit guided the writers so the message would
be accurate.

  1. Give a Scripture reference which explains the purpose of the Holy Spirit in the life of a

  1. What is the ministry of the Holy Spirit in regard to Satan?

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