The Ministry Of The Holy Spirit - A totally free bible

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Further study of the ministry of Philip will expand your knowledge of the special gift of being an

  • His message: Acts 8:35

  • Deliverance, miracles, healings: Acts 8:5- 8

  • Baptized: Acts 8:12,36- 38

  • Preached [the Kingdom of God]: Acts 8:12

  • House was set in order: Acts 21:8- 9

  • Traveled to spread the Gospel: Acts 8:4-5,26,40

  • Ability to persuade groups: Acts 8:6

  • Stirred entire cities: Acts 8:8

  • Ministered to individuals: Acts 8:27- 38

  • Led by God: Acts 8:26,39

  • Knowledge of the Word of God: Acts 8:30- 35

  • Known by effectiveness of ministry and response of people: Acts 8:5-6,8,12,35- 39


And He gave some apostles; and some prophets; and some, evangelists, and
some pastors and teachers. (Ephesians 4:11)

This is the only place in the King James version of the New Testament where the word "pastor"
is used. The Greek word "pastor" actually means shepherd. (The New Testament was originally
written in Greek). Pastors are leaders who assume long-term personal responsibility for the
spiritual welfare of a group of believers. Because the word means shepherd, pastors should
follow the example set by Jesus Christ as a "pastor" or "shepherd" of people:

Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that
great shepherd of the sheep... (Hebrews 13:20)

And when the chief Shepherd shall appear, ye shall receive a crown of glory
that fadeth not away. (I Peter 5:4)

Jesus also referred to Himself as the good shepherd and listed some of the functions of a
shepherd in John 10:1-18.

The Bible mentions the office of a bishop (I Timothy 3). Many believe this is the same as a
pastor because of the following verse spoken of Jesus:

For ye were as sheep going astray: but are now returned unto the Shepherd
and Bishop of your souls. (I Peter 2:25)
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