Human Augmentation SIP

(JuriyJ) #1
Annex B – Technology review

Potential and issues.  Although anabolic steroids promote muscle growth, it does come
with a variety of side effects, including many that are unpleasant, and some that are
lethal.^59 A benefit of creatine is that there are, generally, no serious side effects. EPO
does increase the capacity of the blood to carry oxygen and performance gains can be
impressive, but the side effects can be serious, including blood clotting which can lead to
a stroke and even death.^60

Section 2 – Psychological augmentation

Psychological augmentation consists of improvements to cognitive, emotional,
motivational as well as sensory functions. Cognitive augmentation aims to improve
mental faculties including memory, attention, alertness, creativity, understanding,
decision-making, intelligence and vigilance. The goal of emotional augmentation is to
increase well-being and control over emotional states while motivational augmentation
works towards drive and focus. Psychological augmentation is historically, and
commonly, associated with various types of substances and therapies. Emerging
technologies in this area include brain interfaces, neurostimulation and sensory


Cognition enhancing drugs (also called smart drugs or nootropics) range from caffeine,
nicotine and various herbal supplements to stimulants such as amphetamines,
methylphenidate and modafinil, but also anti-dementia drugs that may improve
long-term memory.^61 Beta-blocker drugs can calm people, which has been used to both
improve performance by reducing stage fright, but also enhance memory consolidation, a
phenomena which could be used for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Other types
of cognitive augmentation include modulation of blood glucose and hormones, such as
adrenaline and testosterone. Psychedelic drugs, such as lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)
and methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), commonly known as ecstasy or molly,
have seen a renaissance in recent years for therapeutic applications.^62

Herbs such as Rhodiola rosea, through its fatigue-reducing properties, has a notable
positive effect on cognition.^63 Studies on the herb Ginko biloba has shown that it has
the ability to reduce cognitive decline and improve memory in the elderly.^64 Apart from
herbs and synthetic drugs, supplements in the form of amino acids have the potential
to enhance cognitive abilities. D-serine has shown promise of increasing cognitive

59 Kuhn, C. M., (2002), Recent Progress in Hormone Research, ‘Anabolic steroids’.
60 Atkinson, T. S. and Kahn, M. J., (2020), Blood Reviews, ‘Blood doping: Then and now. A narrative
review of the history, science and efficacy of blood doping in elite sport’.
61 Franke, A. G., et al., (2014), European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, ‘Substances
used and prevalence rates of pharmacological cognitive enhancement among healthy subjects’.
62 Nutt, D., (2019), Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, ‘Psychedelic drugs-a new era in psychiatry?’.
63 Spasov, A. A., et al., (2000), Phytomedicine, ‘A double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot study of the
stimulating and adaptogenic effect of Rhodiola rosea SHR-5 extract on the fatigue of students caused by
stress during an examination period with a repeated low-dose regimen’.
64 Santos, R. F., et al., (2003), Pharmacopsychiatry, ‘Cognitive performance, SPECT, and blood viscosity in
elderly non-demented people using Ginkgo biloba’.

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