attachment. If the added ligands arose from additional interactions with RNA
nucleobases, riboses, or phosphate oxygens, this might signal that the metal
ion may have participated in a conformation change preceding hammerhead
substrate cleavage.
In 1996, the W. G. Scott group published three hammerhead ribozyme
structures describing them in aScience magazine article (PDB: 299D, 300D,
and 301D).^39 While both previously published structures described modifi ed
hammerheads, these structural studies were carried out on the unmodifi ed
ribozyme – substrate complex. The researchers used time - resolved crystallog-
raphy to observe structural changes that occur during the ribozyme - catalyzed
reaction. (See Section .) The reaction is arrested chemically or physically
by adjusting the pH, fl ash - freezing the crystal, or a combination of both
methods. In the PDB: 299D structure (containing no divalent metal ions) the
crystal was formed in a solution held at pH 6, fl ash - frozen, and then main-
tained at 100 K. At pH 6, the cleavage reaction takes place at a slower rate in
solution and at a yet slower rate in the crystalline state. The PDB: 299D struc-
ture is quite similar to that of the 2 ′ - O - methyl C17 modifi ed hammerhead
described above (PDB: 1MME), especially for residues in or interacting with
the active site (see Figure 3B of reference 39 ). The PDB: 300D structure was
obtained at pH 5 in the presence of Mn 2+ ions. Six manganese ions appear in
the crystal structure; however, none are close enough to oxygen atoms at cleav-
age site (C 17.0 – A 1.1 ) for bonding interactions. In the A 9.0 – G 10.1 region, Mn 2+ – O
(Mn2+ – O distance to a non - bridging phosphate oxygen of A 9.0 = 2.31 Å ) and
Mn2+ – N (Mn 2+ – N distance to the N 7 nitrogen atom of G 10.1 = 2.24 Å ) interac-
tions are found. Selected bonding distances for these structures are included
in Table 6.4.
The overall structure resembles that of PDB: 299D (no divalent metal ions
present) and PDB: 1MME (modifi ed C 17.0 ). The scissile phosphodiester bond
(A1.1 5 ′ O – A 1.1 P) and the adjacent ribose (that of C 17.0 ) are still in the approxi-
mate A - form helical conformation. This places the C 17.0 2 ′ - OH within 3.5 Å of
the A 1.1 phosphate phosphorus atom but on the wrong side for an S N 2 nucleo-
philic attack to occur. If crystals of the Mn 2+ - modifi ed ribozyme – substrate
complex (PDB: 300D) are dissolved after being soaked in 100 mM MnSO 4 at
pH 7 for 30 minutes, a denaturing polyacrylamide gel assay shows residual
intact 25 - nt substrate as well as 20 - nt cleaved product, indicating that some
cleavage has taken place at pH 7.
The third crystal (PDB: 301D) was formed by freeze - trapping the RNA
four minutes after Mg 2+ was added at pH 8.5. At this pH the hammerhead
RNA cleaves itself in the crystalline state, with the cleavage reaction reaching
90% completion within 15 minutes. This structure contained fi ve co -
crystallized magnesium ions, and it revealed signifi cant conformational change
when compared to both 299D and 300D structures. The change is most evident
at the scissile phosphodiester bond located between C 17.0 and A 1.1. This phos-
phodiester bond moves approximately 2.9 Å into the catalytic cleft when com-
pared to the same region for the other crystallographic structures. Its change