English Language Development

(Elliott) #1
Development, Effective Expression, Content Knowledge, and Foundational Skills. The materials are
designed to accelerate students’ successful reentry into a basic program and include clear instructional
plans and tools for entering and exiting the program.

Program 5: Specialized Designated English Language Development
Program, Grades Four Through Eight (Program 5 Specialized ELD)
This program for a specialized designated ELD instructional period provides an intensive,
accelerated pathway that supports the needs of English learners, including those at risk of becoming
or who are long-term English learners^3 , whose academic performance is below grade level, are making
minimal progress towards English proficiency, and whose lack of language proficiency precludes them
from performing at grade level. The materials in this program are designed to support students in their
movement to grade-level proficiency in English within 12–18 months and include clear instructional
plans and tools for entering and exiting the program.

Criteria for Instructional Materials Aligned to the Standards
The criteria for the evaluation of English language arts and English language development
instructional resources for kindergarten through grade eight are organized into five categories:
Category 1: English Language Arts and English Language Development Content/ Alignment with
the Standards
Instructional materials include content as specified in the CA CCSS for ELA and the CA ELD
Standards, as appropriate for the program type. Programs must meet all identified standards fully
for the appropriate program type to be eligible for adoption.
Catetory 2: Program Organization
Instructional materials support instruction and learning of the standards and include such
features as the organization and design of the programs and standards; chapter, unit, and lesson
overviews; and glossaries.
Category 3: Assessment
Instructional materials include assessments for measuring what students know and are able to do
and provide guidance for teachers on how to use assessment results to guide instruction.
Category 4: Universal Access
Instructional materials provide access to the standards-based curriculum for all students, including
English learners, students with disabilities, advanced learners, students below grade level in any
strands of English language arts, and students who speak African American English (AAE).
Category 5: Instructional Planning and Teacher Support
Information and materials contain a clear road map for teachers to follow when planning
instruction and are designed to help teachers provide effective standards-based instruction.

Materials that fail to meet the criteria in Category 1: English Language Arts and English Language
Development Content/Alignment with the Standards will not be considered suitable for adoption.
All criteria statements in category 1 that are appropriate for that program type must be met for a
program to be adopted. The criteria for category 1 must be met in the core materials or via the
primary means of instruction, rather than in ancillary components. In addition, programs must have
strengths in each of categories 2 through 5 to be suitable for adoption.

3 See California Education Code Section 313.1 for the definition of long-term English learner and English learner at risk of
becoming a long-term English learner.

1012 | Chapter 12 Criteria for Instructional Materials
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