English Language Development

(Elliott) #1
Appendix 12-A: Optional Criteria

Program 3 Basic Biliteracy: Spanish/English Language Development Program

Instructional materials for a Biliteracy Spanish/English Language Development Program may

  1. Content that meets all identified standards as specified in the Common Core en Español, the
    CA ELD Standards, and the CA CCSS for ELA.

  2. Sufficient teacher and student materials for the flexible implementation for a range of two-way
    immersion program models, e.g., 90–10, 80–20, 50–50.

  3. Teacher materials that provide explicit instruction and guidance on addressing the linguistic
    differences of Spanish, including:
    a. Cross-linguistic transfer
    b. Contrastive analysis in phonemic awareness, phonics, cognates, vocabulary, comprehension
    skills, and writing
    c. Research on ELD and Two Way Immersion instruction

  4. Reading intervention materials at appropriate grade levels for differentiating instruction and
    addressing the linguistic augmentations as specified in the Common Core en Español.

  5. Content that reflects the diversity of English- and Spanish-speaking cultures, including the arts
    and music.

  6. Resources that promote additional practice in oral language development and foundational
    skills in English and Spanish. These materials should be designed to encourage parental/
    guardian involvement in student learning at home.

1032 | Chapter 12 Criteria for Instructional Materials

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