English Language Development

(Elliott) #1

the day and in a variety of the settings, such as in centers, during instruction, and on walls.
Discussions about texts and other learning experiences focus on understanding the content or author’s
message and on making connections with the children’s lives and
their learning. Teachers guide children to make inferences and to
think critically as they engage with texts and topics. They model
reasoning, especially through thinking aloud as they read. They
demonstrate enjoyment and satisfaction in learning from books.
Transitional kindergarteners make progress toward
achievement of the kindergarten CA CCSS for ELA/Literacy
related to meaning making, building from several of the
California Preschool Learning Foundations, particularly the
following foundations in Comprehension and Analysis of Age-
Appropriate Text (California Department of Education 2008).
In preschool, at around age 60 months, children:

4.1 Demonstrate knowledge of details in a familiar story, including characters, events, and
ordering of events through answering questions (particularly summarizing, predicting, and
inferences), retelling, reenacting, or creating artwork.

4.2 Use information from informational text in a variety of ways, including describing,
relating, categorizing, or comparing and contrasting.

See the kindergarten section of this chapter for more information.

Language Development

Language development is the cornerstone of transitional
kindergarten programs, and children engage in many verbal
exchanges throughout each day. They discuss a broad range of
texts and topics with diverse partners, including adults. They
share their thoughts and experiences and are encouraged
to ask questions of one another. Teachers demonstrate a
genuine interest in their ideas and prompt them to share their
knowledge, feelings, and opinions. They guide children in using
language to reflect on, clarify, and share the experiences they
have across the curricula.

Teachers support children’s language development by
building from the California Preschool Learning Foundations
(http://www.cde.ca.gov/sp/cd/re/psfoundations.asp) in Listening
and Speaking (See figure 3.14) and supporting children’s
progress toward achievement of the kindergarten CA CCSS for ELA/Literacy (See the kindergarten
section of this chapter).

Discussions about texts and
other learning experiences
focus on understanding
the content or author’s
message and on making
connections with the
children’s lives and their

172 | Chapter 3 Transitional Kindergarten

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