English Language Development

(Elliott) #1
Vignette 3.1. Retelling and Rewriting The Three Little Pigs
Integrated ELA/Literacy and ELD Instruction in Transitional Kindergarten (cont.)

Sara: He roars!
Ms. Campbell: Does everyone like that? (The children nod and say “yes,” and Ms. Campbell
adds it to the story.) And then what does the little pig say?
Children: “Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin!”
Ms. Campbell: And how does he say that, Miguel?
Miguel: He scare.
Ms. Campbell: Yes, he’s scared, isn’t he. So does he shout it, like this (shouting)? Does he
whimper, like this (whimpering)?
Miguel: I think he whimper.
Ms. Campbell: I think so, too!
When the children and Ms. Campbell are finished reconstructing the story, they read the
story together chorally. As they do, Ms. Campbell models enthusiastic reading and prosody,
and she encourages the children to do the same. The next day, Ms. Campbell will guide the
children to rewrite the story in Spanish. Then, she will use the text from the reconstructed story
in English and Spanish to make a bilingual big book illustrated with photographs she has taken
of the children acting out the story in the dramatic play center. The big book will remain in the
classroom library corner for the students to read and re-read to themselves, to one another, and
to visitors.
Teacher Reflection and Next Steps
Ms. Campbell brings her observation notes and the reconstructed stories to the next
regularly scheduled collaborative planning meeting she has with her TK and K colleagues. She
describes guiding her students to use new language and recognize story structure as well as
language features, and she shares how some students have begun using some of the new
language in their oral retellings and in the stories they dictate to other adults who work in the
classroom. One colleague asks Ms. Campbell if he can make use of her lesson plan for The
Three Little Pigs and observe the next time she engages her students in a story reconstruction

Lesson adapted from
Derewianka, Beverly, and Pauline Jones. 2012. Teaching Language in Context. South Melbourne, Victoria: Oxford
University Press.
Gibbons, Pauline. 2002. Scaffolding Language, Scaffolding Learning. Portsmouth, NH: Heineman.

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