English Language Development

(Elliott) #1
Snapshot 3.9. Teaching Science Vocabulary
Integrated ELA, ELD, and Science in Grade One (cont.)

Mr. Rodriguez subsequently selects several additional words from the unit, ensuring
that his selections are words relevant to the science unit that had been explicitly taught
and used numerous times. These words included cycle, mature, and develop. The children
worked in teams to create a Frayer Model for the term of their choice, using books and other
materials for reference. Mr. Rodriguez encourages the children to use the “language frames
for conversations” poster in the classroom, which has frames such as “I agree, and ___. I
agree, but ___.” He tells the children that he expects their charts to be accurate and legible
so that other students can understand and learn from them, and he also encourages them to
include graphics and illustrations. Mr. Rodriguez circulates from one team to another, providing
support as needed. He carefully observes his students with disabilities and the EL children
to determine how they are interacting with the task and with others, providing strategic
scaffolding based on their particular learning needs. Later, each team presents its chart to the
larger group. The children stand at the front of the room, read the text on their chart aloud,
provide elaboration on what they had written, and respond to questions and comments from
their peers. The charts are displayed on the bulletin board for the duration of the unit of study
so that the children can reference and begin to integrate the terms into their speaking and

Metamorphosis is a major change in
the bodies of certain animals as they
become adults.


  • the animal’s physical appearance
    changes a lot

  • the animal’s behaviors change

  • the animal’s habitats need change


  • tadpoles to frogs

  • caterpillars to butterflies

  • larva to mosquitoes


  • puppies to dogs

  • kittens to cats

  • chicks to hens

  • calves to cows

  • cubs to lions

CA CCSS for ELA/Literacy: L.1.1–2, 5; SL.1.1, 2, 4
CA ELD Standards: ELD.PI.1.1–3, 6, 9, 12b; ELD.PII.1.6
Related CA Next Generation Science Standards:
Performance Expectation
1-LS3-1 Make observations to construct an evidence-based account that young plants and animals are like, but not
exactly like, their parents.


Grade 1 Chapter 3 | 257

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