- Knowing and using captions, bold print, subheadings, and indexes and, in grade three, using
search tools (e.g., key words, side bars, hyperlinks) to locate information (RI.2–3.5) - Identifying the main purpose of a text (in grade two) and distinguishing their own point of view
from that of the author (in grade three) (RI.2–3.6) - Explaining how specific images contribute to and clarify a text (in grade two) and use
information gained from illustrations (e.g., maps, photographs) and the words in a text to
demonstrate understanding of the text (in grade three) (RI.2–3.7) - Describing how reasons support specific points the author makes in a text (in grade two) and
describing the logical connection between particular sentences and paragraphs in a text (in
grade three) (RI.2–3.8) - Comparing and contrasting the most important points (in grade two) and key details (in grade
three) presented in two texts on the same topic (RI.2–3.9) - Comprehending informational texts at the high end of the grades 2–3 complexity band with
support (in grade two) or independently and proficiently (in grade 3) by the end of the year
(RI.2–3.10) - Writing informative/explanatory texts in which they introduce a topic (grouping information and
using illustrations in grade three), using facts and definitions (and details in grade three) to
develop points, using linking words and phrases for cohesion (in grade three), and providing a
concluding statement or section (W.2–3.2) - Producing writing in which the development and organization are appropriate to the task and
purpose, with guidance and support (W.2–3.4)
Figure 4.9, from the NGA/CCSSO (2010, 33) provides a sample set of texts appropriate for
grades two and three that may be used to build knowledge of the human body. Figure 4.10 provides
suggestions for other topics. The California Department of Education provides a database (http://
www3.cde.ca.gov/reclitlist/search.aspx)—searchable by, among other things, discipline, grade span,
and language—of recommended literature for students in preschool through grade twelve.
Figure 4.9. Texts to Build Knowledge on the Human Body
Digestive and excretory systems
What Happens to a Hamburger by Paul Showers (1985)
The Digestive System by Christine Taylor-Butler (2008)
The Digestive System by Rebecca L. Johnson (2006)
The Digestive System by Kristin Petrie (2007)
Taking care of your body: Healthy eating and nutrition
Good Enough to Eat by Lizzy Rockwell (1999)
Showdown at the Food Pyramid by Rex Barron (2004)
Muscular, skeletal, and nervous systems
The Mighty Muscular and Skeletal Systems Crabtree Publishing (2009)
Muscles by Seymour Simon (1998)
Bones by Seymour Simon (1998)
The Astounding Nervous System Crabtree Publishing (2009)
The Nervous System by Joelle Riley (2004)
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