English Language Development

(Elliott) #1
Grade Two

Grade two is an exciting year as children increasingly gain independence with written English
and use their knowledge of the code and of language in general to achieve their own purposes.
They engage with progressively more complex high-quality literary and informational text, expand
their knowledge in the content areas, and continue to develop as effective communicators. Their
vocabularies increase considerably as does their knowledge of text organization, grammatical
structures, and language conventions. They work toward achievement of the grade-two CA CCSS for
ELA/literacy throughout the day and across the curricula.

This grade-level section provides an overview of key themes of ELA/literacy and ELD instruction
in grade two. It offers guidance for ensuring that ELs have access to ELA and content instruction,
including integrated and designated ELD. Snapshots and vignettes bring several of the concepts to life.

Key Themes of ELA/Literacy and ELD Instruction in Grade Two

ELA/literacy and ELD instruction focuses on the key themes of Meaning Making, Language
Development, Effective Expression, Content Knowledge, and Foundational Skills (see figure
4.13). Instruction should be age-appropriate, carefully sequenced, and responsive to children’s needs.
Excellent first instruction is of paramount importance. Additional instructional support—sometimes
specialized—is provided swiftly when needed; just as appropriately tailored learning opportunities
are provided to children who demonstrate advanced understandings. All instruction occurs within the
context of a motivating, engaging, and respectful environment that is intellectually stimulating and
that integrates the strands of the language arts and integrates the language arts with other subject
matter. Furthermore, instruction is sensitive to the social, emotional, physical, linguistic, and cognitive
needs of young children as it conveys the delight and empowerment that accompanies literacy and
language development.

Figure 4.13. Circles of Implementation of ELA/Literacy and ELD Instruction

Grade 2 Chapter 4 | 319

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