Figure 1.4. Grade-Specific Standards Corresponding to CCR Anchor Standard 1 for
Reading, with New Expectations Highlighted
English Language Arts Standards Literacy Standards
Reading Literature Reading
Informational Text
Reading in History/
Social Studies
Reading in Science &
Technical Subjects
CCR Anchor
R.CCR.1 Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it;
cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text.
11 – 12
RL.11–12.1 Cite
strong and thorough
textual evidence to
support analysis of
what the text says
explicitly as well as
inferences drawn from
the text, including
determining where
the text leaves
matters uncertain.
RI.11–12.1 Cite
strong and thorough
textual evidence to
support analysis of
what the text says
explicitly as well as
inferences drawn from
the text, including
determining where
the text leaves
matters uncertain.
RH.11–12.1 Cite
specific textual
evidence to support
analysis of primary
and secondary
sources, connecting
insights gained from
specific details to an
understanding of the
text as a whole.
RST.11–12.1 Cite
specific textual
evidence to support
analysis of science
and technical
texts, attending to
important distinctions
the author makes
and to any gaps or
inconsistencies in the
9 – 10
RL.9–10.1 Cite
strong and thorough
textual evidence to
support analysis of
what the text says
explicitly as well as
inferences drawn from
the text.
RI.9–10.1 Cite
strong and thorough
textual evidence to
support analysis of
what the text says
explicitly as well as
inferences drawn from
the text.
RH.9–10.1 Cite
specific textual
evidence to support
analysis of primary
and secondary
sources, attending to
such features as the
date and origin of the
RH.9–10.1 Cite
specific textual
evidence to support
analysis of science
and technical texts,
attending to the
precise details of
explanations or
Grade 8
Cite the textual
evidence that most
strongly supports an
analysis of what the
text says explicitly
as well as inferences
drawn from the text.
Cite the textual
evidence that most
strongly supports an
analysis of what the
text says explicitly
as well as inferences
drawn from the text.
Cite specific textual
evidence to support
analysis of primary
and secondary
Cite specific textual
evidence to support
analysis of science
and technical texts.
Grade 7
Cite several pieces
of textual evidence
to support analysis
of what the text says
explicitly as well as
inferences drawn from
the text.
Cite several pieces
of textual evidence
to support analysis
of what the text says
explicitly as well as
inferences drawn from
the text.
Grade 6
Cite textual evidence
to support analysis
of what the text says
explicitly as well as
inferences drawn from
the text.
Cite textual evidence
to support analysis
of what the text says
explicitly as well as
inferences drawn from
the text.
26 | Chapter 1 Overview of Standards