English Language Development

(Elliott) #1
Figure 4.30. Using the CA ELD Standards in Integrated ELD

CA ELD Standards, Part I: Interacting in Meaningful Ways

English Language Development Level Continuum
Emerging Expanding Bridging

  1. Reading/viewing
    Describe ideas, phenomena
    (e.g., insect metamorphosis),
    and text elements (e.g., main
    idea, characters, setting)
    based on understanding of a
    select set of grade-level texts
    and viewing of multimedia
    with substantial support.
    6. Reading/viewing
    Describe ideas, phenomena
    (e.g., how cows digest food),
    and text elements (e.g., main
    idea, characters, events)
    in greater detail based on
    understanding of a variety of
    grade-level texts and viewing
    of multimedia with moderate
    6. Reading/viewing
    Describe ideas, phenomena
    (e.g., volcanic eruptions),
    and text elements (e.g.,
    central message, character
    traits, major events) using
    key details based on
    understanding of a variety of
    grade-level texts and viewing
    of multimedia with light

Designated ELD is a protected time during the regular school day during which qualified teachers
work with EL children grouped by similar English language proficiency levels. During this time,
teachers focus on the critical language students need to develop to be successful in school subjects.
Designated ELD time is an opportunity to support EL students to develop the linguistic resources
of English that they need to engage with, make meaning from, and produce content in ways that
meet the expectations of the CA CCSS for ELA/Literacy and other content standards. Accordingly,
the CA ELD Standards are the primary standards used during designated ELD instruction. However,
the content focus is derived from ELA and other content areas. The main instructional emphases in
designated ELD are the following:

  • Building students’ abilities to engage in a variety of collaborative discussions about content and

  • Developing students’ understanding of and
    proficiency using the academic vocabulary and
    various grammatical structures encountered in
    third-grade texts and tasks

  • Raising students’ language awareness, particularly
    of how English works to make meaning, in order
    to support their close reading and skilled writing of
    different text types
    Students build language awareness as they come
    to understand how different text types use particular
    language resources (e.g., vocabulary, grammatical
    structures, ways of structuring and organizing whole
    texts). Language awareness is fostered when students
    have opportunities to experiment with language, shaping
    and enriching their own language using these language
    resources. During designated ELD instruction, children
    engage in discussions related to the content knowledge

Students build language
awareness as they come to
understand how different text
types use particular language
resources (e.g., vocabulary,
grammatical structures, ways of
structuring and organizing whole
texts). Language awareness is
fostered when students have
opportunities to experiment with
language, shaping and enriching
their own language using these
language resources.

Grade 3 Chapter 4 | 373

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