English Language Development

(Elliott) #1
Vignette 4.3. Collaborative Summarizing with Informational Texts
Integrated ELA and Science Instruction in Grade Three (cont.)

Teacher Reflection and Next Steps
Over the next several days the students practice using collaborative summarizing as
they read sections of their science informational texts. The following week, Mr. Franklin will
introduce another layer of the strategy, which involves students working in heterogeneous
groups of four. In order to ensure equitable participation in the task, he will teach them to
assume designated roles with specific responsibilities which will be posted in the room on a
chart for easy reference. The students will take turns assuming different roles each time they
engage in the task.

Collaborative Summarizing Responsibilities

Facilitator: Guides the group in the process. Makes sure everyone is participating.
Scribe: Takes the official, most legible notes that anyone can use for reporting out
(everyone else must take their own notes, too).
Timekeeper: Keeps an eye on the time and moves the group along so they don’t run out of
Encourager: Gives specific praise to group members. Encourages members to assist one

The following week during collaborative planning time, Mr. Franklin debriefs with his
teaching team. The teachers indicate how impressed they are with the students’ ability to
discuss the content of the passages and focus on the language they will use to summarize
them. Mr. Franklin shares how a few of his students still do not quite understand the strategy,
even after his modeling, guided practice, and small group teacher-supported instruction. The
teachers decide that they will all model the task as a group for each of their classes. They think
their students will enjoy watching their teachers pretend to be third graders, and they also feel
that this type of fish bowl modeling will help reinforce the strategy for all students as well as
provide additional scaffolding for those students who still find the strategy challenging.

Additional Information
Web sites

Recommended reading
Klingner, Janette Kettmann, Sharon Vaughn, and Jeanne Shay Schumm. 1998. “Collaborative Strategic Reading
During Social Studies in Heterogeneous Fourth-Grade Classrooms.” The Elementary School Journal 99 (1): 3-22.

Grade 3 Chapter 4 | 381

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