English Language Development

(Elliott) #1
Snapshot 6.5. Making Inferences Using a Graphic Organizer
Integrated ELA/Literacy and Science Lesson in Grade Seven (cont.)

used when I was explaining my thinking. Since you’re working with a partner, you’ll have to
agree on the inferences you make, and the language you use to record the information in your
chart needs to be the same.”
He points to the steps of the activity listed on the whiteboard at the front of the room
and reminds students that they can refer to the phrase bank next to it (Because __, we can
infer that ___; The ___, so ___. The ___ resulted in ___.). He says, “First, take turns reading
the segments of the article. Stop reading when you get to the first adhesive tape flag. Then,
discuss what you have read and use that information along with your background knowledge
and what you observed in today’s demonstration to make an inference. Use your graphic
organizer to write down clues from the text that helped you make your inference under
the “I Know” column. Write your inference in the last column. You will have 20 minutes to
complete this activity and then we will discuss your inferences as a whole class. Are there any
questions?” As the pairs begin to work, Mr. Schoen circulates around the room, monitoring
student discussion, asking probing questions to elicit student thinking, and providing specific
feedback. After the students have worked together on this task, Mr. Shoen pulls the class back
together again and asks students to share the evidence and inferences they found. If the class
agrees that the evidence is valid and the inference is solid, he asks the students who shared
to add it to the graphic organizer:

The Demonstration

I Know
(from texts and
background knowledge)

(conclusion drawn from
evidence and reasoning)

  • Solution bubbled and
    changed from blue to
    yellow when dry ice
    was added.

  • It changed back to blue
    when sodium hydroxide
    was added.

    • Color changes indicate
      chemical reactions.

    • Water usually has a
      neutral pH.

    • Dry ice makes water

    • Sodium hydroxide is a

    • The yellow color means
      it is an acidic solution.

      • Adding dry ice to the
        water resulted in the
        water turning acidic.

      • Because the sodium
        hydroxide neutralized
        the solution we can
        infer that it is a base.

This way, the class has collectively developed a model for making inferences from
observations, texts, and background knowledge.

Grade 7 Chapter 6 | 587

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