English Language Development

(Elliott) #1

  • Provides a concluding statement that follows from and supports the argument
    ๐ Instead of solving problems, cameras would cause the problems. That is why I
    disagree with the idea to put cameras in classrooms. This plan should not be put to

  • Demonstrates good command of the conventions of standard written English
    (with occasional errors that do not interfere materially with the underlying

National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and Council of Chief State School Officers. 2010b. Common
Core State Standards for English Language Arts and Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical
Subjects. Appendix C, 40-41. National Governors Association Center for Best Practices, Council of Chief State
School Officers, Washington DC.

Teachers carefully examine their students’ writing to determine the student’s achievement of
selected objectives, reflect on the effectiveness of their teaching, and inform subsequent instruction.
They involve students in reviewing their work, and for EL students, teachers also use the CA ELD
Standards to guide their analysis of student writing and to inform the type of feedback they provide to


Students continue to engage in collaborative discussions with partners and in small groups and in
teacher-led discussions with the entire class. In grade seven, students now pose questions that elicit
elaboration and make relevant observations that bring discussions back on topic. Teachers model
these conversational moves and encourage their use. Teachers can use sentence starters or frames
to scaffold student discussion. Figure 6.20 provides sample questions students can pose during

Figure 6.20. Sentence Starters

Ask a Question:

  1. What do you mean when you say __?

  2. Why do you think that __?

  3. Can you give an example?

  4. Why does ____ do __?

  5. I think _ is confusing because ___.

  6. If I could ask __ one question, this would be my question:

  7. Why does the author __?

Excerpted from
Doing What Works. 2013. “Sentence Starters for Discussions.” Submitted by Gateway High
School, San Francisco, CA. WestEd.

592 | Chapter 6 Grade 7

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