and constructed response (students write a short text or long essay in response to a prompt). For
example, for the third-grade reading standard, determine the main idea of a text; recount the key
details and explain how they support the main idea (RI.3.2), selected-response items could be used
to assess determine the main idea of a text; recount the key details, while a constructed-response
item could be used to assess explain how they support the main idea. A computer-administered
assessment, item response types include matching tables, fill-in tables, select or order text or
graphics, and drag and drop.
Locally determined measures are used to assess the achievement of students in kindergarten
through second grade and to assess reading standards for foundational skills for kindergarten through
grade five that are critical to every student’s success in
reading. The foundational skills are assessed intensively
at kindergarten through grade two and then strategically
at grade levels above grade two. In selecting appropriate
assessments for these purposes, school district leaders
need to refer to the section on the technical quality of
assessments in this chapter to ensure that the assessments
used are appropriate for their intended purposes.
Optional interim assessments developed by the Smarter
Balanced Assessment Consortium are also available to
be administered at locally determined intervals. The
interim assessments are reported on the same scale as
the year-end assessments and permit teachers to assess either clusters of standards (referred to as
Interim Assessment Blocks) or the full range of the CA CCSS for ELA/Literacy (referred to as Interim
Comprehensive Assessments). In addition, Smarter Balanced has a digital library of formative practices
and tools for teachers’ use. These tools include model units and lessons with embedded formative
assessment strategies for teacher use.
The Smarter Balanced Summative and Interim Assessments are computer adaptive tests and
include performance tasks. These are described in more detail in figure 8.10.
In addition, Smarter Balanced
has a digital library of
formative practices and tools
for teachers’ use. These tools
include model units and lessons
with embedded formative
assessment strategies for
teacher use.
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