English Language Development

(Elliott) #1


mong the core principles guiding the development of this ELA/ELD Framework is that
schooling should help all students achieve their highest potential. To accomplish
this, students need to be provided equitable access to all areas of the curricula;
appropriate high-quality instruction that addresses their needs and maximally advances their skills and
knowledge; up-to-date and relevant resources; and settings that are physically and psychologically
safe, respectful, and intellectually stimulating. All students should be supported to achieve the goals
indicated in the outer ring in figure 9.1 and in the context displayed in the white field of the figure.
(See the introduction and chapter 2 in this ELA/ELD Framework for discussions.)

Figure 9.1. Circles of Implementation of ELA/Literacy and ELD Instruction

The United States Department of Education highlights the need to strive for equity in U.S. schools:
All students—regardless of circumstance—deserve a world-class education. To ensure
that America regains its status as the best-educated, most competitive workforce in the
world with the highest proportion of college graduates of any country, we must close the
pervasive achievement and attainment gaps that exist throughout the nation. Yet, far
too often, the quality of a child’s education and learning environment, and opportunities
to succeed are determined by his or her race, ethnicity, national origin, age, sex, sexual
orientation, gender identity, disability, language, socioeconomic status, and/or ZIP code...
Moreover, too many students feel unsafe or unwelcome at school because they are (or are
perceived as) different from other students. All students should have an equal opportunity
to learn and excel in a safe and supportive environment. Because inequities at all levels of
education still exist, educational equity is the civil rights issue of our generation. (U.S.
Department of Education Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2011–2014, 39–40.)

880 | Chapter 9 Access and Equity
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