Strategies Teachers support all
students’ understanding
of complex text by...
Additional, amplified, or
differentiated support
for linguistically diverse
learners may include...
Additional, amplified, or
differentiated support for
students with learning
disabilities or students
experiencing difficulties with
reading may include...
- Rereading the text or
selected passages to look
for answers to questions
or to clarify points of
confusion- Rereading the text to
build understanding
of ideas and language
incrementally (e.g.,
beginning with literal
comprehension questions
on initial readings and
moving to inferential and
analytical comprehension
questions on subsequent
reads) - Repeated exposure to
rich language over time,
focusing on particular
language (e.g., different
vocabulary) during each
reading- Strategically chunking and
rereading text to maintain
engagement, to construct
and clarify ideas and organize
them, and to provide
many successful reading
- Strategically chunking and
- Rereading the text to
- Teaching students to
develop outlines, charts,
diagrams, graphic
organizers or other
tools to summarize and
synthesize content - Teaching students to
annotate text (mark text
and make notes) for
specific elements (e.g.,
confusing vocabulary,
main ideas, evidence)- Explicitly modeling how
to use the outlines or
graphic organizers to
analyze/discuss a model
text and providing guided
practice for students
before they use the tools
independently - Using the tools as a
scaffold for discussions or
writing- Offering technology tools
to develop outlines, charts,
diagrams, or graphic
organizers to summarize and
synthesize content - Providing opportunities to
collaboratively (with the
teacher and with peers)
develop and use tools
- Offering technology tools
- Explicitly modeling how
- Teaching students to
return to the text as they
write in response to the
text and providing them
with models and feedback- Providing opportunities
for students to talk about
their ideas with a peer
before (or after) writing - Providing written
language models (e.g.,
charts of important words
or powerful sentences) - Providing reference
frames (e.g., sentence
and text organization
frames), as appropriate- Using graphic organizers to
help students organize their
thoughts before writing - Allowing for students to
express ideas with labeled
drawings, diagrams, or
graphic organizers
- Using graphic organizers to
- Providing opportunities
Access and Equity Chapter 9 | 927