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106 Spiritual Astrology

equinox (from Gemini to Aries). The consonantal sounds
‘S’ and ‘H’ in the mantram “Soham” are called the male
and the female principles represented by the sign Gemini.
They are also called the two wings of the bird of breath.
They are also the grosser principles or the bodies of Brahma
and Saraswati. When the ‘S’ and ‘H’ are removed, there is
‘Om’ which is the utterer himself. ‘Om’ is the ultimate
state of the merging of the word in eternity. It is the
mantram of the Supreme Lord. It is the symbol of the
liberated being and the mantram for liberation. The
disciple is advised to locate the various constituent sounds
of these two mantrams through a process called nya-sa,
between the throat-centre and the head-centre. Then he
has to practise the art of breathing (Pra-n.a-ya-ma), meditating
upon himself.

Green is the colour governed by this sign. Many
spiritualists are at a loss to understand that particular
shade of green which belongs to this sign. Gemini is the
sign of transformation of the lower into the higher.
Mercury, as Hermes the great alchemist, is the lord of this
sign. Green has a very close relationship with blue colour.
A minor change in the vibration alters the colour from
green to blue and vice versa. Blue is the colour of Taurus.
The passage from Gemini to Taurus gives the blend. That
shade of green which produces blue or which is a half-tone
of blue is the colour of Gemini that helps the occultist in
his meditation. One can have an idea of this colour from
the crystal of copper sulphate. The passage from Gemini
to Cancer is called the path of reincarnation or the path of
the Pitru-s. Cancer governs the deep-green colour of the
plant kingdom. This is the colour suggestive of
photosynthesis or synthesis of food by plants through the
rays of the Sun. The occultist should guard himself against

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