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110 Spiritual Astrology

scientists and mathematicians are governed by Gemini
through its expression (throat-centre). The interpretation
of the law of nature and man is made through this sign
while the framing of the law is made through its opposite
sign Sagittarius and its ruler Jupiter. In all these levels
Mercury rules Gemini. A great expansion takes place in
the disciple when he passes through the gate between the
two pillars of this sign. Then his intellect is replaced by
his intuition of the higher buddhic plane. At this point the
ruler of this sign is the radioactive planet Uranus. For all
mundane purposes, Uranus, the lord of transformation,
rules the sign Aquarius. For the process of the expansion
of the disciple that takes place through initiation in the
throat-centre, Uranus takes the rulership through a trine
aspect from Aquarius.

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