Cancer 115
and Pura-n.ic symbolisms, Cancer is called the west and
the slant (Nimlo-chani). This is described as the abode of
Varun.a and the birthplace of the serpents. Capricorn is
described as the birthplace of the eagles. The serpents go
down into the nether regions until they reach Libra (the
fall of Sun).
The eagle which is a symbol of the Sun in his
northern (upward) path rises in the sky until he crosses
the meridian and links up Pisces and Taurus with Aries.
Kas’yapa, the vault of heaven (the arch between Capricorn
and Cancer) has two wives, Aditi (the annual east) and
Diti (the annual west). In the zodiacal functions, they are
called Vinata, the mother of the eagle, and Kadruva, the
mother of serpents. “The wings of the eagle” bring down
the Elixir of Life to raise the “tongues of the serpent” to
taste. This is the grand cycle of Garuda, the Great Eagle.
This cycle is to be followed up by the disciple for his
liberation (of Vinata) from the bondage (of Kadruva).
Milk and its products are governed by Cancer while
cattle are governed by Taurus. Milk and ghee are the two
forms of food which are most conducive to a disciple of
occultism. They purify the ko-s’a-s and pave the way of
the Sa-dhaka, feed his soul and supply the material to build
his Antahkaran.a. All the Ve-dic rituals sing the splendours
of Agni who is made more brilliant by the offerings of
milk, butter and ghee. Ghee is described as ‘the spiritual
sperm’ and ‘the fuel of light’.
Silver is the metal governed by Cancer. This metal
has a direct relationship with the reactive faculty of the
mind. It affects sensitivity, responsiveness and behaviour.
This point is well proved by the special study of its
medicinal properties by the seers of Homoeopathy.