116 Spiritual Astrology
One-third of the zodiacal circle, which begins with
Aries, ends with the last degree of Cancer. The second
begins with Leo and ends with the last degree of Scorpio.
The last one-third begins with Sagittarius and ends with
the last degree of Pisces. These three points form the Holy
Trinosophia (Thrayee Vidya). Each side of the triangle
begins with a fiery sign and ends with a watery sign. For
this reason the three watery signs mark the end of things.
They contain the clues to know the trend of the old age of
man. To a spiritualist they mark his points of rebirth. The
ending of Cancer is the pit which contains the snake. The
constellation of the minor serpent (A
s’le-sha) coincides with
the end of Cancer, when Aries coincides with the
constellations that mark the beginning of Kali Yuga.
The colour of deep-green influences this sign in the
horoscope of a mundane man. Green is the colour of
Saturn and Cancer receives this colour through a reflection
of the opposite sign, Capricorn. The disciple should
neutralise the effects of this colour upon him by gradually
transforming it into golden-yellow, the colour of
Sagittarius. Then, he overcomes the obstacles produced
by the associations of his past Karma, which exist as
tendencies in his astral and mental planes. After this, the
golden-yellow colour is further transformed into honey
colour. Then he gets hold over the sa-tvic expression and
there is a complete mastery over the buddhic plane. In the
next step, the disciple attracts blue colour into this sign.
Then beauty consciousness of Taurus rounds off the
angularities of his love-nature. Finally, there is the
attraction of the colour of the rose petals, when the
consciousness finds its expression in the soul-level
through the heart-centre. This process is practised by
many schools of Ra-ja yo-ga. The colour of the rose, when