118 Spiritual Astrology
form the three sides of the triangle on the buddhic plane.
When each division is linked up with the other two
corresponding divisions of the other sets, we get the nine
triangles which enlighten us about the interrelationships
of the various magnetic centres along the spinal cord
centres which are called the seeds of nine initiations.
The above said three methods are not in vogue at
present. They form the nakshatra division of the zodiac.
At present, the third type of division is used by the
orthodox Indian astrologers although its true key is lost.
In the present Hindu calendar we find this division in
vogue. It is computed from a fixed point which they call
their first point of Aries. The various gods who preside
over these divisions and their effects are fully described
in the Ve-dic and the Pura-n.ic wisdom.
Moon is the ruler of this sign for all mundane
purposes. For a disciple who is in the process of building
his Antahkaran.a Saturn is the ruler. So-ma rules through
the planet Moon in the case of a yo-gi who lives in the
cosmic consciousness. Periodicity, rhythm and music
come under the influence of Cancer. Voice is ruled by
Taurus and music is ruled by Cancer. Music has got the
capacity of raising the consciousness of man from the
astral level to soul-level directly without the aid of the
mental and the buddhic planes. This property of the
gestation of soul exists in Cancer. Through the
subconscious, music works as mantra.
The levels of rapture and satiation, when properly
used by the Guru upon the consciousness of the disciple
through the music of sound or the musical sense of the
mind, will break off the barriers of the disciple and make
him realise the cosmic planes of consciousness. Such an
evolution of the soul is governed by Neptune and hence