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Virgo 133

The emanation is like the emergence of a wave in the
ocean. The wave is not different from the ocean in essence
but differs from it as a state. This state, before creation, is
called the Holy Mother of all creation. This forms the
matter of the Maha- Para Nirva-n.ic plane. This plane is
located in the sign of Virgo. Since the whole creation
emanates from her as a visualisation and not as a reflection
on matter, it is called the immaculate conception. This is
because the Father who is himself the utterer as well as
the Word, is also the Father of the World Mother.
Remember that the four-faced deity (Brahma) created the
Word from himself (Saraswathi) and wedded her later. In
the Vedic and the Pura-n.ic symbolism, this Pas’yanthi state
of va-k is also called Ga-yathri, the Great Mother of the Dawn.

This World Mother is the object of man’s meditation,
his becoming and his merging. When the disciple
meditates over this concept of the World Mother, he is
raised by her into the state where the personality merges
and the soul finds its place in the Mother, to be perfected
and taken by her to the Father. Ramanuja calls this process
by the name “Purushaka-ra”. The word means making a
man the Purusha. From the state of a purusha he is taken
as one with the Purusha. This process includes three steps-
”Sa-lo-kya”, “Sa-ru-pya” and “Sa-yujya”. The three terms
respectively mean ‘one with the look, one with the frame
and one with himself within Himself. This is the highest
ideal of the spiritual path. This marks the birth of a Lord
from man by the Mother through the grace of the Father.
This is the true concept of the birth of the Saviour by the
Great Mother through immaculate conception in the
language of The Bible.

It is a pleasant surprise to note the identity of the
process in the teachings of Ramanuja and Jesus. For this
reason, the World Mother is called the Virgin, who finds

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