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The seers of all times believe that wisdom is ageless

and impersonal. The intensity and the vastness of wisdom
is dependent upon the vision of the observer of this
universe. The point of view decides the nature of the
horizon that surrounds the observer as Ma-ya. The whole
universe is only one, in the sense that it is one among the
series of universes. A universe is defined as a unity of
wisdom in which there is a diversity of levels. What we
see around us is a huge globe of space with the observer
at its geometrical centre. The centre of consciousness of
the observer is the key to unlock the secrets of wisdom.
By this process of unlocking, the individual pervades into
the whole universe. Only when there is an individual, with
the objectified self as the universe before him, there is the
process of unfolding into wisdom. Therefore, it is
propounded that the individual and the universe put
together form the two complementaries of the one whole.
This double unit is called wisdom.

As we observe the horizon around us we realise that
it is a horizon relative to the observer. To itself there is no
horizon. The earth and the heaven appear to meet along
the ring of horizon. In fact they do not meet, but in truth
they meet to form a symbol through which the individual
derives his wisdom. The space represents the subtle state
of matter and the earth represents the gross state. The
union which is apparent produces the apparent state of
the individual. Here we find the birth of symbolism and
the beginning of a process through which the individual

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