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140 Spiritual Astrology

one of the top secrets of the ancient wisdom. It is known
only to those seers who live in the Himalayas, the North
Pole and five other magnetic centres of this earth. For the
first time it is revealed through their messenger, H.P.B.
She gave only some hints about the matter and left the
remaining to the intuition of the student. It was because
she was not permitted to reveal more. Even now it is not
yet time to reveal the full significance.

Virgo presides over nursing and serving the sick just
as Leo presides over healing. Pisces governs hospitals and
Virgo, its opposite sign, governs the nurses in the
hospitals. According to the law of correspondences, we
know from the nature of the sign Virgo that nursing
profession is more the duty of women than men. This sign
also governs maternity and child welfare centres. Bringing
up children in proper lines and creating the saviours of
society through various activities come under this sign.
Child education, nursery schools and convents are
governed by this motherly sign. Orphanages, infirmity
schools and leper colonies, T.B. hospitals and midwifery
are all located in this sign. There is a hidden significance
in the fact that all these activities are administered more
by the followers of Master Jesus in the present day.

In popular Astrology, the colour of Virgo is an
admixture of all colours. Designs and various
combinations of colours are located in it. But the true
picture is the manifestation of the rainbow in order. The
World Mother of many ancient religions is decorated with
an arch of rainbow around her head. The grace of the Lord
comes down through the World Mother in seven planes,
seven colours, seven scales of musical sounds, seven
rounds of planets, seven planetary chains, seven root-races

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